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Relative Humidity & Dewpoint
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In the protective coatings industry, moisture can form on the surface when the surface temperature is low enough to cause condensation from the atmosphere. The Dewpoint temperature (Td) is the point at which this occurs. Monitoring the surface temperature (Ts) relative to the air temperature (Ta) and its relative humidity (%RH) allows the dewpoint temperature to be calculated and compared to the surface temperature. This difference in temperature (TΔ) is the key parameter dictating when it is safe to apply the coating.

Elcometer 319 Dewpoint Meter

The Elcometer 319 Dewpoint Meter with a robust temperature sensor is designed to measure and record all relevant climatic parameters require...

Elcometer 309 Delta T Hygrometer

The Elcometer 309 digital Delta T Hygrometer provides a simple and fast measurement of Delta T temperature and relative humidity.Delta T (TΔ...

Elcometer 308 Hygrometer

The Elcometer 308 Hygrometer provides a simple and fast measurement of relative humidity (RH) and surface temperature (Ts) and is ideal for ...

Elcometer 116 Whirling & Sling Hygrometers

The Elcometer 116 Whirling and Sling Hygrometers are designed to determine the dew point and relative humidity (RH) at any given time.The El...

Elcometer 114 Dewpoint Calculator

The Elcometer 114 Dewpoint Calculator provides accurate values of Dewpoint and Relative Humidity (RH) from the wet and dry bulb temperatures...
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